
Overleaf Copilot

Interest Project Website

A plugin powered by Large Language Models and designed to elevate the academic writing experience on Overleaf.
Currently used by 2k+ users and 50+ institutes.


Prompt Genius

Interest Project Browser Plugin

All-purpose prompts with hierarchical classification system and multi-language support.
Served 60k+ users for the past year. Serving 5k+ users per month.


Highway Toll Rate Optimization System

Gov. Project Simulation System

A traffic flow simulation system based on the designated toll rates.
Successfully utilized in the construction of Nansha Bridge in Guangdong Province.


Spatial-temporal Traffic Big Data Mining Platform

Gov. Project Simulation System

Integrated platform for lubricating the process of spatial-temporal traffic big data mining, including data pre-processing, storing and prediction.


Robust and Balanced Graph Partition Algorithm for Map Services

Ent. Project Algorithm

Co-developed with Tencent, a preliminary algorithm for efficient hierarchical routing on large-scale road networks.


Funded Project Research

National Natural Science Foundation of China general project (国家自然科学基金面上项目). Research on spatio-temporal trajectory generation and representation learning methods for sparsity problems.


Funded Project Research

National Natural Science Foundation of China general project (国家自然科学基金面上项目). Research on pre-training representation learning method of spatiotemporal trajectory data for traffic prediction.


Funded Project Resesarch

Basic scientific research project of Beijing Jiaotong University (北京交通大学基本科研研究项目). User travel destination and travel time prediction based on trajectory representation learning.


Ent. Project Resesarch

Enterprise commissioned research project. Urban road network traffic status estimation and prediction based on spatio-temporal graph neural network.


Ent. Project Resesarch

Enterprise commissioned research project. Abnormal traffic event prediction based on mobile user trajectory big data.


Ent. Project Resesarch

Enterprise commissioned research project. Predicting the airline catering backup quantity to help airline companies reduce economic and productivity losses.